Everyone love their lifestyle, their jobs, their food, friends and family and each one of these revolve around them very fast these days. The need of the hour is to be at par with the changing lifestyles, cultures and traditions. There are so much of technological and scientific developments happening around and you must be a part of the same. As you are what your bodies are, you tend to forget the slow and steady harm you cause to your bodies when you follow a fast and ever-moving living ways. The unhealthy food you eat, unhealthy habits you practice, the ever polluting environment you live in and pass through daily are absorbed into your bodies. All the stress, sudden elevation and depletion of emotions cause a lot of hormonal changes, resulting in the production of “Toxins” within the body. There is a natural response by your body to throw them out, which is the process of “Detoxification”. Though human body has the ability to detox by itself the quantum of this is so high that you need to follow simple natural ways to detox your body naturally. The following are few suggested means of doing so.
Detoxifying Smoothies: You may introduce natural detoxifying smoothies in your diet and can replace one meal with them. The same can be practiced once or twice in a week. The smoothies will not only detox your body but also will curb your appetite, add nutrients, antioxidants, and fibre to your system. Use of natural smoothies will help in metabolism, control your weight and will provide natural energy to your body. It is important to note that they must be natural. Few natural smoothies you may try are- Lime and Coconut Green Smoothie, Pineapple Kiwi Mint Smoothie, Kiwi Spinach Smoothie, and Green Smoothie.
The addition of Organic Food: Try and add food which is devoid of fertilisers and harmful chemicals and mind you it’s not necessary to replace all your food with organic foods. You may have a selective list like – strawberries, apples, and Tomatoes. You may also bring organic pulses in your cooking to detox your body. This way you will not be adding those toxins and hence facilitating your system for faster detoxification.
Increase intake of Water: This simple, natural, affordable, and splendid thing can deliver magical results and flush toxins from your body. Even if you consume a lot of water you may increase the quantity and keep increasing without any harm. Detox is just one of the many benefits of water intake as it can give you clearer skin, effective circulatory system, and smooth digestive system.
Eat Natural Fibre Food: Eat a lot of fibrous food and make it compulsory to add fibre in its natural form. It also helps in digestion and helps you in weight loss. Fibrous foods like – beans, legumes, oats, Lentils and Peas are just a few of them. Fibre is helpful in the management of diabetes also.
Exercise: Regular workout or exercise will keep you fit and healthy and will cleanse your body from harmful toxins. This is a very natural way to detox your body. When you make it a habit you not only help your body loses those extra kilogrammes of fat but in the process detox your system as well.
The habit of drinking Green Tea: Replace your morning tea with much healthier and natural green tea. Green tea has antioxidants and also a slight amount of caffeine, which means you are not totally devoid of caffeine.
Get Healthy Sleep: Seven to eight hours of night sleep is considered as healthy sleep. You must, after a hectic day take proper uninterrupted sleep at night. You also must ensure that before you go to sleep you must be stress-free. Lack of sleep will weaken your immune system and it will not be able to flush out the toxins. Hence one of the best natural ways to detox your body to have a sound sleep.
Do not add on external toxins: By this, you must understand that when you smoke and drink you are adding toxins and harmful elements only and are forcing your body to flush it.
It is not necessary to make things complicated by forcing to practice those things which are difficult and time taking to detox your body. The intention is to present you ways and means which are simpler to inculcate and are effective.